Make your AC Smart - It'll switch on 5 minutes before you get home!


A Remote is great. But having it prepare for your arrival is even better.The AustraliaRemotes - Smart AC device is so exciting!It makes your Air conditioner extremely simple to use.The...

A Remote is great. But having it prepare for your arrival is even better.

The AustraliaRemotes - Smart AC device is so exciting!
It makes your Air conditioner extremely simple to use.
The price for this item is $49 unless ordered after you buy a remote.


Save money by...

...switching off automatically when you leave your home.
....switching it off from a distant location if you forgot to switch it off on your way out.
....Teaching it your AC functions so if you ever lose your remote, you can order a new remote with free shipping next time because you will still be able to control your AC!

Increase your comfort level by...

...Arriving to a pre-warmed or pre-cooled home automatically by setting it to switch on as soon as you are almost home by using the GPS position of your phone!
...Controlling your AC from your phone without getting the remote!!

And many more!

And endless more automated features using the Tuya Smart Home experience!

All remotes are available for immediate shipping from china. We also have additional shipping locations at checkout. If you need it fast make sure you select EXPRESS shipping from the country closest to your country.

✅✅✅✅✅ I needed a n smart-air-conditioner remote and looked every for one. I ran a search for smart-air-conditioner Remotes in China Remotes and found this make your ac smart - it'll switch on 5 minutes before you get home!. The smart-air-conditioner remote that wasnt available anywhere.

- Jeremy, UK

✅✅✅✅✅This smart-air-conditioner remote was a perfect fit for me. I ordered this Make your AC Smart - It'll switch on 5 minutes before you get home! and the quality was equal to the original. Thank you for solving my problem.

- Esther, GERMANY

✅✅✅✅Slow delivery times (3 weeks) the item is compatible with my smart-air-conditioner remote.

Vladimir, RUSSIA